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Solve the Rubik's Cube: Stage 4

Solve The Middle Layer

Holding your Cube

With the completed white layer on the bottom now you have to solve the middle layer, which means positioning the ‘edge pieces’ in the correct place.


- Notice the vertical row of blue (this could be red, orange, green) - THIS IS CRITICAL!

- Create a vertical line by rotating the top face until the front color of the edge piece on the top face without yellow on it matches a side center piece. The color on the edge piece’s top face will determine the direction the edge piece should move.

1) If you’re moving the edge piece in the same direction as indicated in the picture, then follow the sequence of moves pictures below:

2) If you’re moving the edge piece in the same direction as indicated in the picture, then follow the sequence of moves pictured below:

Continue these steps until all the edge pieces are in the correct position. NOTE: If one of the edge pieces is already in the middle row, but in the wrong position, then do either one of the sequential moves and it will move to the top layer. Then you can do the appropriate sequential moves to position it in the correct location of the middle layer.

If your bottom two layers look like this picture, you can move to Stage 5. You are two-thirds of the way done!

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